Liberty Lions Club

Liberty, Indiana


The Liberty, Indiana Lions Club was founded in 1947 by a group of civic minded citizens for the purpose of serving the needs of the greater Union County, Indiana area.  Over the years, the Liberty Lions Club has done many community service projects and engaged in many fund raising projects to support the community needs of the Liberty area, and around the world. 

If you would like to see some examples of these projects, please click on one of the following:


Liberty Lions Club

Community Service ProjectsService.htmlService.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0
Fund Raising ProjectsFund_Raising.htmlFund_Raising.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0

Lions Clubs International is the largest community service organization in the world.  For more information, please select from the following topics. 

Lions Clubs International

This website provided courtesy of:

Carl Sharp’s State Farm Insurance Agency
(Carl Sharp)

Each year, the Liberty Lions Club conducts several major fundraisers to support needy causes.  Some of these include:

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